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Why We LOVE Maine


Updated: Feb 24, 2022

You know, just wanted to thank the State of Maine for allowing us to move here from Massachusetts in 2004. They didn’t have to do it. Paula and I really only came to Belfast in 2004 to visit our former MA neighbors, artists Wes & Willy Reddick. More about their talents & skills at another time.

They moved here in April of 2004. We visited in June, bought a house on the same street by August. Ok, so we never really asked them if we could come. So far so good! They still talk to us.

There is nothing quite like living in Mid-coast Maine in Belfast. The size is perfect. We live inside the Rt. 1 loop. Walk to downtown! It’s really hard to get lost. Already saw our downtown Moose many years ago.

Our house is 172 years old and we, (at this moment), do not need a sump pump. What’s not to love?

We never spent much time in Maine. All I knew was if you were a Mime you were supposed to live in Maine. So after Massachusetts asked us to leave….ok, it was just a suggestion… we headed north. We can handle 8-10 degrees colder and less snow than south of Boston.

It was time for us to start traveling less for work. I had a lot of shows in New England, NY and NJ. Paula also retired from teaching and was becoming an amazing photographer.

It was time for a change for so many reasons.

What we both found here was a creative community that gave you a chance to….create!

We both have done things that we did not feel comfortable enough in MA to try.

Paula sells her photos, cards and Kaleidoscope T-Shirts at Lupine Cottage in Belfast and

The Commons in Eastport. I have continued my music, songwriting and mime for area schools and other organizations including The Farnsworth Museum. I do the monthly WERU Family Radio Hour on WERU Community Radio.

Did I mention, I also work part-time at Out on a Whimsey Toys in Belfast. I am the toy demonstrator and guy on the sidewalk that reads stories to rubber animals.

As I said.. What’s not to love. See you soon, Scot



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